
Meditation Article for Teachers

This is a great article with specific pointers on how to guide a meditation.

Click on the 3 colored dots next to the title to view...



"Christian Yoga"

I've started my own blog discussing "Christian Yoga".
I've attached the link- I would TOTALLY love to hear what everyone thinks about the topic...


*( You can get the link by clicking on the 3 colored dots next to "Christian Yoga". Otherwise, the link is http://lightonchristianyoga.blogspot.com/ )


Interesting article

Hey guys,

Here is a great article on how to start applying the yamas and niyamas in everyday life. I will use this one for my upcoming trip to Seattle.

Practice Assists

Would anyone be available for a practice assist?
For me, it would be awesome to do a 4:00 and a 6:00 back to back on Tuesday or Thursday with someone.

Let me know or email me~ That would be awesome!